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In Japanese Jin means "man of knowing, compassion", Shin means "Creator", and Jyutsu means "art". Literally defined, then, Jin Shin Jyutsu is the Art of the Creator expressed through knowing and compassionate (aware and understanding), man.
Mary Burmeister said, “Jin Shin Jyutsu is truly the art of happiness, the art of longevity and the art of benevolence. It is the Creator’s art personally for MYSELF, the art of Getting to KNOW (Help) MYSELF.” Additionally, Mary called Jin Shin Jyutsu a "physio-philosophy". She believed the understanding of Jin Shin Jyutsu by many people would be facilitated by calling the art PHYSIO-PHILOSOPHY - KNOW MYSELF IT IS. (PHYSIO, meaning Nature, or Creator’s Art / One Order; PHILOSOPHY, meaning Effortless Reality, or Being the Non-being). Mary also called it the "Cosmic Artless Art to KNOW (Help) MYSELF", or “NATURE - THE EFFORTLESS REALITY, KNOW MYSELF IT IS”. This ancient art involves the very-natural application of the hands for gently balancing the flow of life energy in the body and, since all is already within us - waiting to be brought to consciousness - more generally, it is the awakening to awareness of complete harmony within the self and the universe. Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient hands-on healing art that is comprised of wisdom and philosophy, and which restores the harmony and balance of the life-force energy to all of the systems of the body. The practice of Jin Shin Jyutsu aids in relaxation and stress reduction, thereby promoting optimal health, well-being and vitality. Jin Shin Jyutsu is a valuable complement to conventional healing methods, as it boosts our own profound healing capacity - facilitating the healing of the whole Body-Mind-Spirit connection. The practitioner serves as a conduit for Jin Shin Jyutsu, which is a means for the body to re-establish the flow of energy that has been blocked, thereby allowing the body to heal itself. This is done in a gentle and non-invasive way, with the practitioner placing fingertips, over the clothing, on specific areas of the body, which are known as Safety Energy Locks, and with her or his hands acting like “jumper cables”. The pathways - or energy flows - that are blocked - or in need of assistance - are determined primarily by listening to wrist pulses, as well as awareness through all of the practitioner’s other senses, and the many levels of information involved in learning Jin Shin Jyutsu. This is why Jin Shin Jyutsu, which seems simple yet complex, is considered an art and, by many, a life-long study. Jin Shin Jyutsu has its roots in ancient India, and was widely known before the births of either Buddha or Moses. It was originally taught by oral tradition, but was recorded in Japan in 712 AD, in the Kojiki (The Record of Ancient Things). The practice was then known as, “The Secret of Freedom from Disharmony, Hidden Within Man”. In the 1930’s, the study of esoteric information provided the foundation for the re-connection with this profound healing tradition, for a man named Jiro Murai, who had been diagnosed with a terminal illness. With awareness based on his esoteric studies, he retreated in solitude, fasted and used simple hand techniques, called “Mudras”, to heal his terminal illness. During this time he became consciously aware of his body’s energy pathways, and recovered completely. Over time, Jiro Murai provided treatments to others, but only if they would listen to his teachings. Later, he asked Mary Burmeister, the only woman who had been invited to study with him, if she would like to take a gift to America upon her return. Back in America, Mary provided Jin Shin Jyutsu to family and friends first, and then to others for many years, staying in correspondence with Jiro and often asking him for guidance with clients who had specific “projects”. Mary gave treatments for 17 years before she started teaching Jin Shin Jyutsu. In January, 2008, at age 87, Mary peacefully passed away. Kato Sensei, of Japan, is now the only student of Jiro Murai’s who is still living.
SOME THOUGHTS FROM MARY BURMEISTER “No more running; all that I need I am.” “Look Inside For Everything.” “When the 23’s are open, nothing bothers you.” “The study of Jin Shin Jyutsu is to remember who we truly are; “Disease happens only when the energy vibration falls below a certain level;
WHAT SITUATIONS CAN JIN SHIN JYUTSU BENEFIT? Since this profound art balances and harmonizes all of the systems of the entire body, names of “projects” aided by Jin Shin Jyutsu are too numerous to list. Appreciating the importance of body work in general, and Jin Shin Jyutsu specifically, however, it will be helpful to realize that the physical body’s systems are maintained by specific flows of energy that can become blocked. The cause of blockages can be as complex as our thoughts about situations and events in our lives, and the feelings and emotions that we hold about them, called “attitudes”, or even as basic as the over-use of one arm. As with the flow of a blocked river, pressure builds up behind a “dam” in the body’s energy flow, which may cause pain, and the energy can even divert, and/or reverse its direction, in seeking an outlet. Because of the natural connectedness of all things, left un-aided, the results of the energy dam can also create blockages in other energy-flow patterns. An originally-simple muscle ache in the neck/shoulder area can have a “ripple-in-the-pond” effect, and may eventually be diagnosed as Migraine Headaches, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or Tennis Elbow. Unaided blockages held in other areas/flows of the body can lead to many other types of projects, often with “larger labels”, including the disharmonies of asthma, insomnia, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, circulatory problems, and more. Additionally, one huge benefit of Jin Shin Jyutsu is that it can also be utilized for numerous specific “emergency” situations, including attacks of anxiety and/or asthma, removing stingers or splinters, stopping the bleeding of a recent cut, accelerating the healing of burns, and loss of consciousness and/or fainting. As with many healing modalities that have ancient roots, their origin lies in mankind’s innate awareness. Of these modalities, it has sometimes been the case that our current ability to utilize their principles, as well as teach them, is thanks to the efforts of one or more individuals whose dedication brought the information back from near extinction. Here in America, Jin Shin Jyutsu is in our lives thanks to Jiro Murai and Mary Burmeister, and we are grateful for them being the angels they were in bringing to us the art’s messages, and the secrets of “freedom from disharmony, hidden within man”. By receiving Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions – especially in conjunction with a personal practice of Self Help – each of us can keep our body’s energy pathways flowing harmoniously, thereby promoting good health and graceful youthfulness - at any age. This wonderful healing modality is truly a tool for the good life! As a side note, being a practitioner of Jin Shin Jyutsu, who has been a Reiki Master since 1994, my clients receive a double blessing, and their benefits are greatly enhanced. Because of the special way in which these two wonderful healing modalities naturally blend and flow together, their sessions provide them with both the harmony and wonderful balancing effects of the art of Jin Shin Juytsu, as well as the unique and subtle frequency of the Universal Life-Force energy of Reiki, that is inherent to the nature of my previously-received levels of attunement, and which is automatically channeled through me.
THEIR “Thank you for coming to me – both here at home as well as at the post-surgery rehab center – after my back surgery. Continuing to receive healing-energy work has been so calming and relaxing – it has really helped!!" “That sciatica pain has been really intense for a week or so but now, since the JSJ treatment you gave me, it doesn’t hurt at all!" “I’m leaving this message because I just wanted to let you know - I feel a lot better today. My legs are so much better after my Jin Shin Jyutsu session yesterday. What you did was very, very helpful. I’m definitely going to talk to my doctor about that medication we discussed, but today I feel better . . . my legs aren’t as stiff, so you really did a great job, and I wanted to tell you.” “I am definitely feeling better . . . I can tell the Jin Shin Jyutsu is working! Now, I only start to hurt when I’ve been standing for too long at my job. And yes, my feet are still much warmer than they were and, now, even my body is warmer. For the first time I can go into the store for my work without having to layer my clothing!” “I’ll call soon to set up my next appointment – Jin Shin Jyutsu really helps me a lot!” “I haven’t needed to see the chiropractor for several months now, and I’m no longer seeing the therapist. Receiving Jin Shin Jyutsu each week seems to be what’s really helping me cope with everything right now.” “After the experiences I was having recently, the doctor at Kaiser and I were both very concerned about my heart, and I agreed to come back in the morning for tests. However, I was feeling so much better after the Jin Shin Jyutsu session you gave me that afternoon, and then I was really elated when the results were in from all of the tests I'd taken the next day, they were just fine - and the doctor didn't even schedule me for any follow-up appointments!” “I experienced a big shift during our Jin Shin session, and I was able to sleep for about 3 hours. I feel so much better - and I can breathe again!” “That was wonderful! And it really helped me a lot! I’ve been needing to see my chiropractor so much lately, and now I’m thinking of simply coming to see you on a regular basis for Jin Shin Jyutsu.” Relaxing, yet revitalizing, appointments for Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions are given fully clothed, and last for 60 - 70 minutes. Week-day sessions are available beginning at 10:30 a.m., with the last appointment of the day at 4:30 p.m. Week-end appointments are by special arrangement. Additionally, Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions are available remotely, on a long-distance basis, for both humans as well as pets. The same appointment scheduling and fee structures apply as for in-person / pet sessions, and remote sessions are prepaid*. Week-day appointments: $71.00 To set appointments, contact me, Veronica Rose at 707-568-0767, or healedheart@gmail.com. *To prepay remote appointments, make checks and/or money orders 465 Stony Point Rd., #138
In association with Final Passages, this all new, one-day class about Jin Shin Jyutsu is especially empowering for those who - whether due to personal or professional considerations - either have been, are currently and / or expect to be a caregiver for someone else. Most certainly Jin Shin Jyutsu can be of assistance to all of us, at any time of life. However, the attainment of being in a place of harmony-with-life can be achieved by those with health challenges - even with frightening labels - as well as by those who care for them, simply by using some very-easy hand holds. SPECIFICS ABOUT THE CLASSES Pre-registration and the deposit of $44.00 are required, at which time class location & directions will be furnished. The “Early-Bird” Registration offers a $15.00 Discount for those students who reserve their class space on or before the Friday falling (3) weeks prior to class. Thereafter, full Class Tuition PLEASE NOTE: Students of the Final Passages courses, Class is from 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (with a "brown-bag" lunch break). Please check back for upcoming 2014 Classes (and Early-Bird Discount information) (PLEASE NOTE: A week-day class may be offered
To register, contact me, Veronica Rose at 707-568-0767, or healedheart@gmail.com. Make checks and/or money order-deposits 465 Stony Point Rd., #138 Taking a Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-Help Training provides a very helpful basis for the understanding of Jin Shin Jyutsu at a level that allows for self treatment, and/or beneficial treatment of pets. Self-treatment is a wonderful way for the client to supplement the maintenance of his/her own body, and to extend the many benefits of receiving Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions. Students of Self-Help Classes usually find it very beneficial to develop the habit of self-treatment with Jin Shin Jyutsu first thing in the morning and/or before falling asleep at night. In Book III of Mary Burmeister's Self-Help books, “Introducing Jin Shin Jyutsu Is” (Books I - III), she addresses Jin Shin Jyutsu as:
As human beings we innately use aspects of Jin Shin Jyutsu, even without being consciously aware of it, i.e., crossing our arms or putting our hands on our hips. However, through the study of Self-Help with Jin Shin Jyutsu it is possible to gain a greater awareness of the importance of specific places on our bodies, such that we can consciously utilize our hands to dissolve the blocks to the natural flows of our energy, thereby releasing pain and discomfort. ABOUT THE TRAINING Training in Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-Help is taught as a series of consecutive classes.
Please check back for upcoming 2014 Classes (and Early-Bird Discount information)
Tuition for each Training is $150.00 Pre-registration is required. TWO OPTIONS FOR CLASS REGISTRATION Simply print and complete the Class Registration Form. OPTION #1 - "US MAIL": Make your deposit Check or Money Order OPTION #2 - "ELECTRONIC":
Animals are especially sensitive to energy, and respond very well to Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions. Typically, however, their needs require shorter sessions - usually around 30 minutes, with check-up sessions of around 15 minutes. Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions for animals are additionally available remotely, on a long-distance basis. The appointment scheduling and fee structures apply as for "in-person" pet sessions, and remote sessions are prepaid*. Week-day appointments: 1/2-hour @ $44.00; 15-minute check-ups @ $26.00 To set appointments contact me, Veronica Rose at 707-568-0767, or healedheart@gmail.com. *To prepay appointments, make checks and/or money orders 465 Stony Point Rd., #138 Return to Top The content on this web site is copyrighted and any unauthorized copying, reproduction, hiring, lending, usage is prohibited without written consent of ThetaDNAHealing.com.
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