By Veronica d' Rose
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Astral Bach with Bach Flower Remedies
Channeled Sprays
"Rescue Me" Emergency Formula
Custom Flower-Essence Blends for specific multi-level challenges
Therapeutic Essential-Oil Blends for all your cares and woes
Now you can move through the many challenges of life
with less fear, more trust and better health.
Enjoy the benefits of subtle Bach Flower Remedies,
blended to meet your own unique needs -
based on specific significant astrological influences of your own personal Natal Chart. This is truly a maintenance formula for better handling the effects of the ACCELERATED FREQUENCY SHIFTS currently being experienced.
For over 70 years people have been reaping the many benefits of Dr. Bach’s discoveries about the incredible healing powers of the very-subtle essences of flowers, which assist the body to heal - by healing the emotions.
Now, through correlation of the astrological influences of the 12 signs of the zodiac
(specifically, those in which each of the planets resided at the time of our birth),
with the 12 original states of mind - as ascribed by Dr. Bach -
it’s possible to move more smoothly through all of the rapid changes and transitions
that are being presented.
For your custom-blended formula, simply print, complete and provide both your current and birth information on the Personal Information Form, together with your payment. You will receive your ASTRAL BACH maintenance remedy for harmony and ease in moving through these intense times!
Keep in mind, also, that having one's very-own, personal ASTRAL BACH maintenance remedy is a UNIQUE GIFT - one those special family members will appreciate receiving as a great gift!
Astral Bach Personal Formula - 2 oz. $25.00
(NOTE: there is no extra charge for the research of your unique Astral Chart)
To order your own personal Astral Bach formula,
click here to open the Personal Information Form,
print the form and complete the information,
and then select from the ordering Options listed below.
Option #1 - U.S.P.S.
Make your check or money order payable to Healing Hearts, and
mail it with the completed Personal Information Form to me,
Veronica Rose 465 Stony Point Rd., #138
Santa Rosa, California 95401
Option #2 - Electronically
Click on the "Buy Now" button below to
safely use your credit card - via PayPay -
to make your purchase, and then E-mail your
information from the Personal Information Form to me.
Contact me with questions or for additional information:
Veronica d' Rose at 707-568-0767 or healedheart@gmail.com.
“What a difference - I can really feel it! Since I started taking my Astral Bach formula I haven’t been having headaches like I was. Then, yesterday, I forgot to take it and found I really reacted to this other employee’s energy. But today I did take it and I feel so much better!”
- Shirley R., Santa Rosa, Calif.

your experience
with Channeled Sprays"
Looking like lovely little Angels, these colorful blends of the essences of flowers and the highest-quality essential oils dance together to create a vibratory “tone” that, when misted, changes the electrical field of anyone, or anything, on which they are sprayed. You’ll love the way the subtle frequencies of the essences of flowers from around the world - infused by the sun into the purest of water - keep your electrical field connected and strong, while the gentle aromatic blends of therapeutic-grade essential oils stimulate your olfactory gland with “remembered” scents from other times.
These sprays were channeled by Veronica d' Rose beginning in 1996. They were “born” from her personal experiences, which were the catalysts for her to “see” and “hear” the appropriate blends. Although it was five years later, in a theta reading, that they were "introduced", it is with much gratitude that Veronica acknowledges the assistance with the “birthing” of these life-changing sprays, which was provided by Dolores, her Guardian Angel.
Some of the flower essences included in the earliest spray, PEACH-colored “Protection”, are “Fringe Violet”, “Angel’s Sword”, “Angelica” and “Yarrow”, of course. This spray was found to be very effective while working in a particular corporate setting that contained many frequencies and thought forms that felt very negative.
Shortly afterward, the next spray was brought forth. For feelings of prosperity, this soft GREEN spray was called “Abundance”. This spray contains the magnetic energy of the essence “Blueberry Pollen”, from the plant that grows prolifically in Alaska, as well as the magic of “Abundance” blends made by two Canadian-plant developers of flower essences. Over a period of fourteen months, the use of this spray on the telephones and calling cubicles of a sales force supervised by Veronica, manifested in the department significantly exceeding the company-set goals - every single month. This had never been done before.
In 1997 Veronica channeled a special gift for a friend, and the lovely PINK “Sensuousness” was born. The ingredients of this spray include the flower essences “Cerise Bouquet” and “Mandavilla”, which open the heart to love, and to express love, as well as the essential oil “Ylang Ylang”, the spirit of which is very passionate and erotic, yet soft and receptive. Men also find this spray enhancing to their sensitive sides.
Immediately following, Veronica was shown the ingredients for the ascendancy-colored, LAVENDER “Holy Water”, which begins with a base frequency of the very-high vibration of Tachyonized™ Water. This spray is for any feelings of “impurity”, which may be due to illness, infection, or having felt under psychic attack. This blend contains essential oils and flower essences that effect purification, as well as a special blend of flower-essences from the Himalayas that promote longevity.
It was the summer of 1999 when soft, BLUE “Vision” was birthed out of a desire to gift to a practitioner friend who was trained by Meir Schneider in advanced movement techniques for healing the body - and who specializes in healing the eyes. The powerful healing qualities of the included essential oils allow one to literally “nourish” the eyes by applying a little of the spray to the soft energy “points” on the back of the head, directly behind the eyes. This spray will additionally assist one to “see” with the clarity of their Higher Self; it’s powerful to use before a Vision Quest, or when seeking guidance from Angels & Guides.
The YELLOW-colored, “Courage”, came forth in the ‘Millennium” year, 2000. This spray focuses on the power of the plant remedies for the seven appearances of fear, as catalogued in the ground-breaking work of Dr. Edward Bach. This blend of essences and oils assists us to stand in the personal power available when our Yin and Yang are most balanced, and to bring in the joy we feel when we are walking our soul’s path with confidence.
Veronica's Channeled Sprays are lovingly brought to you by Healing Hearts and are available at only $25.00 each!
To order those favorite Channeled Sprays for yourself
- or as a GREAT GIFT for others -
select from the ordering Options listed below.
Option #1 - U.S.P.S.
Make your check or money order payable
to Healing Hearts, and mail it to me,
Veronica Rose
465 Stony Point Rd., #138
Santa Rosa, California 95401
Option #2 - Electronically
Use the "Add to Cart" button below to
safely use your credit card - via PayPay -
to make your purchase(s).
Contact me with questions or for additional information:
Veronica d' Rose at 707-568-0767 or healedheart@gmail.com.
"I was so grateful that I had your sprays while I was in both the hospital and rehab center after recent surgery. With the many situations that happened during my stays, as well as my depleted immune system, having both the "Holy Water" and the "Protection" sprays was literally a God send!"
- Sara Jane, Santa Rosa, Calif.
"After I sprayed the telephone with your "Abundance Spray", my Mother (who never gives me money), sent me $1,000.00. Thank you, Veronica!"
- S. Richman, Santa Rosa, Calif.
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