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On this page you'll find references to a variety of resources that have been found to be of interest and/or are pertinent to the information discussed on this site. In addition, many of the resources hold a special place in my heart for having been very important to my spiritual growth, and my own evolution. As always, discernment is a very-important part of life, and it is recommended that you exercise this inner tool in seeking the information that resonates as the Highest Truth - for you.
“Heal Your Body”, by Louise L. Hay. Originally known as the “little blue book”, in this well-loved reference book for all, especially, those who are new to the concept that we can heal ourselves, Louise Hay assists us to understand mental causes for physical illness, and the metaphysical way to overcome them. Quoted, in part, from her “Dedication” page, she lets us also know, “There is no new knowledge. All is ancient and infinite." “The Name Book”, by Pierre Le Rouzic. For any one who has ever preferred to simply use their initials or a nick name, or generally felt out-of-synch with their own name, this book provides extremely-helpful information about the importance of the sound frequencies of names. Understanding that we can change our names to more easily become who ever we wish to become, is a concept that can be extremely empowering. Quoted, in part, from the Introduction page, Cynthia Demaray says, “Here I finally found a book that profoundly reveals the characteristics, the personality, the life contained within each name. Reading through Le Rouzic’s wonderful descriptions of the names confirmed my own conviction – that each name has a life of its own, and affects the life of its owner.” “Compatibility of Names”, by Pierre Le Rouzic. As a companion to “The Name Book”, this book is an additional relationship “tool” that can be helpful in understanding some extremely-subtle reasons we may be very drawn to someone and/or why some people simply do not resonate comfortably to us. “Vibrational Medicine”, by Richard Gerber, M.D., “Doctors are beginning to re-conceptualize human beings as more than just bodies of flesh and bones. They are beginning to understand that we possess unique energy systems that help to maintain health.” “The Life You Were Born To Live; a Guide to Finding Your Life Purpose”, by Dan Millman. This wonderful book by the author of the Way of the Peaceful Warrior provides a particularly hands-on presentation on numerology. It is outstanding as a tool for working with a modern method, based on an ancient system, to help understand your past, clarify your present and empower your future.
Channeled Angel and Guardian-Angel paintings, as well as books, by Gwen Mangum at Harmony Art. Here you can see Dolores, my Guardian Angel, which was channeled by Gwen. Many of Gwen's paintings and other art can be seen at: http://www.zazzle.com/harmonyart, and you can find out more about her books at: http://www.stores.lulu.com/wtgp. Hand-crafted Crystal pendants made in the Marcel Vogel tradition: Anatomy Structures:Chromosomes: http://www.accessexcellence.org/AB/GG/human.htmlhttp://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/C/Chromosomes.html Mitochondria: http://cellbio.utmb.edu/cellbio/mitoch1.htm Pineal gland: http://home-2.worldonline.nl/~gibbon/pineal.htm Pineal and melatonin: http://www.sleepfoundation.org/publications/melatoninthefact.cfm#1 Prions: http://www.mad-cow.org/~tom/prion_evol.html Telomeres: www.telomere.net Anatomy and Psychology:Morphogenetic field & memory: http://twm.co.nz/shel_morfields.htmMorphogenesis and Dreams: http://www.dimensional.com/~randl/tdream.htm Animal Communication:Frog vocalization to resonant frequency of hole: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2002/12/1204_021204_TreeFrogs.htmlQuorum-sensing in Bacteria: http://scienceweek.com/2001/sw011102.htm DNA Activation Support:Other teachers, healers or researchers on awareness of latent DNA strands:Lee Carrol/Kryon channelings: http://www.kryon.com/k_chanelbreck.html Barbara Marciniak: http://www.uforia-research.com/marci.htm Nicole LaVoie: http://www.bmsmag.com/2003/winter/bringing_harmony.htm http://www.harmonyera.com/2.Book.htm Gregg Braden: http://astrosite.com/___QuantumPortal-10.htm http://thecropcirclewebsite.50megs.com/page80.htm Parenting:The Parent's Handbook: STEP--Systematic Training for Effective Parenting by Don Dinkmeyer and Gary McKay; American Guidance Service; ISBN 0-913476-80-3; Random HouseAmazon Book Link How to Talk so Children will Listen and Listen so Children will Talk: by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish Amazon Book Link Setting Limits with Your Strong-Willed Child : Eliminating Conflict by Establishing Clear, Firm, and Respectful Boundaries by Robert J. MacKenzie Ed.D. Amazon Book Link Psycho-spiritual healing and awareness:Chakras: http://www.crystalinks.com/chakras.htmlColor therapy: http://www.thetahealing.com/colors.html Healing trauma and PTSD http://healingtrauma.pscap.org/ptsd.html Journey into the Unconscious: http://www.multidimensions.com/uncon_journey.html Kojiki: http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~wldciv/world_civ_reader/world_civ_reader_1/kojiki.html Understanding Soul Retrieval: http://www.worldtrans.org/TP/TP1/TP1-111.HTML http://members.lycos.co.uk/innervoice/soulretrieval.html http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0062504061/102-3396292-8563301?v=glance Voice Dialogue information: http://www.aloha.net/~alessin/voicedi.html http://www.growingaware.com.au/CORE_BELIEFS.HTM Secret Agendas:Verification of alien existence:
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